Friday, March 4, 2011

On fairytales

As cynical as New York City has made me, I'll always have a soft spot for princesses and happily-ever-afters. Perhaps it reminds me of a time when life was innocent and perfect, when I still believed in princes who swooped in at times of distress. Society has taught me to be strong and independent, to stop relying on men, to scoff at couples tangled up in each other and mock those who still believe in happily-ever-afters. But Disney's recent Millennium Celebration campaign called up that little girl deep within me--that little girl prancing around in a puffy, powder colored dress, tiara dangling, waiting for her knight in shining armour. And I just had to share a little of this tingly magic with all of you cynics out there (yes, you!). Of course, Annie Liebovitz and a star-speckled cast never hurts.

Now, a few of my favorites.

(Click here for more.)

Monday, February 28, 2011

On the weekend

So here's a short picture blog (plog? haha somehow that just conjures up images of a plopping pig, so maybe not...) so my partner in crime will stop nagging (oh hi there D!) but mostly because this has manifested into another outlet of my procrastination.

A little love from New York City this last weekend.

Oh Spring, why are you such a tease?

Marlow and Sons--great food, wonderful company, candlelights and wine. What more can you ask for?

Central Park--tainted black, white and gray.

How have I never chanced upon this quaint little Medieval castle?

Seems fitting to end with my first post with this--Why hello there, world!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

I name thee, crème brûlée

You're not so daunting, anymore.

This visual recipe was actually really handy and definitely makes crème brûlée much less intimidating. But next time, I'm going to make this yummy custard with some modifications. Now that I've got the basics down perhaps it's time to experiment.